If you would like prayer for any reason, you can send your prayer requests to PrayerRequest@harboronline.org
Requests will be shared with staff and Harbor’s prayer ministries.

Harbor family, thank you as always for supporting the Food Ministry. The first Sunday of each month is Food Bank Sunday where the Food Ministry will have a table for you to drop off your donations in the Gathering Place for the 9am and 11am services.
Always needed: cereal, pasta, sauce, peanut butter, baked beans, tuna, mac & cheese, corn, green beans, rice. We are also accepting miscellaneous canned items such as carrots, mixed veggies, diced potatoes, applesauce, lima beans, black beans, and canned soups.
If you can’t make it this Sunday, you may always make donations in the bin on the porch of Harbor House. Thank you for caring for Harbor’s Food Ministry customers.

We are excited to partner with the New Hanover County Endowment as we transform our community garden into a small, but robust, farm that will harvest fresh fruit and vegetables grown in New Hanover county soil—Harbor UMC property. This fresh food will be dispersed through a food truck, the Harbor Farm Truck, that will travel to local food apartheids (commonly know as “food deserts”) on a regular basis. Adding a mobile component to our food mission gives us the flexibility to meet the needs of the community, while providing this mission a more dignified process for dispersing fresh food. Through these efforts, we hope to offer preventative healthcare by providing more opportunities for nutrition, offer a more dignified approach to serving our neighbor, and help close the gap in food inequity created by systemic racism… all done in the name of Christ who taught us to love our neighbor.
Our work on this project is well underway! We’re growing crops in our raised garden beds and garden rows. We’ve composted, started planting rows, finished the greenhouse, and installed electricity. In order to help stretch our grant money, we are looking for donations such as Lowe’s Improvement or Home Depot gift cards, and gardening knowledge.
Additional volunteers are always welcome to serve in this mission for planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, watering, weeding, and other gardening fun! Contact Tia Irving, our farm manager theresa_irving@bellsouth.net or the main office, office@harboronline.org for volunteer opportunities! Thanks!

Harbor UMC has had a long-standing partnership with our local Meals on Wheels organization, providing hot meals to 120 elderly residents on the first Sunday of each month. The weekend meals are provided all by donation from our local faith communities- no federal money is available for this program. Our ministry consists of people who donate food, help to cook and clean up, package the plates and boxes, and deliver meals. Our greatest need is for drivers to deliver on our first Sunday of each month. The meals are ready in the church kitchen around 10:30 am and each route takes about an hour to complete. We also need specific food donations for the meals such as bananas, individually wrapped rolls, individually packaged desserts, and large cans of green beans.
Meals on Wheels is a great way to serve in our community! Please contact Lisa Southerland (lisa@harboronline.org) to get more information.

Harbor Church Blood Drive – Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood
Check the Harbor Calendar for the next Blood Drive date!
1-6pm in the Gathering Space
For an appointment, please visit RedCrossBlood.org
OR call 1-800-733-2767
Walk-ins Welcome!
Get the Red Cross Donor APP HERE!

Vacation Bible School 2025
2025 VBS Registration – stay tuned!
Please SIGN UP to register your children and to volunteer!
Contact lisa@harboronline.org with questions.
Harbor UMC
4853 Masonboro Loop Rd
Wilmington, NC 28409-3650

Coming Summer 2025 – Here is what we did in 2024:
We will be serving in local missions- a different location each day including First Fruit Ministries, The Diaper Bank, Nourish NC, The Foster Pantry and a local community garden. Everyone will meet at Harbor at and travel together to the different locations. We will learn about each ministry and how we can continue to support them in the future. On Friday we will add in a fun outing for our group. We prefer that children attend all 5 days. Lisa Southerland and Carrie Jackson will serve as leaders. There is no cost for the camp but donations will be accepted to support Mission Mariners projects. Registration is limited due to transportation -deadline is 7/8/24. Please contact me with questions! lisa@harboronline.org
Register Here Mission Mariners Day Camp

Harbor UMC Afterschool Enrolling for Fall 2024 NOW!
Harbor UMC Afterschool offers a loving, affirming, spiritually-led, fun experience in a safe and caring environment. We accept children in Kindergarten through 5th grade of the enrollment year. We operate from the first day of the NHC Traditional calendar through the last full day of the school year. Our hours are after school until 6:00 pm. We will be providing transportation from Anderson Elementary, Mary C Williams Elementary and Bellamy Elementary to our facility at 4853 Masonboro Loop Rd.
Children will have a structured, supervised schedule beginning with sign-in, a healthy snack, organized games, homework help, devotion time and free play. Activity options are based on the interests of our students as we get to know and build relationships with them. Please contact Debbie Black at afterschool@harboronline.org with questions and for more information.

Harbor UMC Summer Camp – 2025 — stay tuned for Registration information!
Harbor UMC Summer Camp – here is what we did in 2024
Our Summer Camps offer a time of creativity, science exploration, free play, and large motor development in a loving, faith-based program. Weeks offered are:
July 8-12 Farm to Table (reg/payment due 6/24)
July 15-19 Arctic Exploration (reg/payment due 7/1)
July 29-Aug 2 Fairy Tale Classics (reg/payment due 7/15)
Camps are for ages 2 through 5th grade (just completed)
$135 per session per child.
Hours are 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Register Here! 2024 Summer Camps
Rev. Suzanna Helms leads The Deeper Journey Discipleship Group which meets each Sunday from 10:10-10:45am in Room 232.
Deeper Journey is an open group that welcomes new members at any time! All are invited to join us!
Pastor Russ is leading the discipleship class called Life Together on Sunday mornings from 10:15-10:45 in room 226. This is a discussion class designed for those who are in the parenting years of life—those who have busy schedules but want to feel connected to other Christians and grow in their faith. The class will exist at the intersection of faith, life, and work. There will also be coffee to fuel our discussions. All are welcome!
Children’s spiritual formation schedule at Harbor Church Sunday’s at 10:10am
Please contact lisa@harboronline.org for more information!
YTH Discipleship:
The youth (grades 6-12) meet every Sunday morning at 10:10a in the youth room for Bible study. Our goal is to learn more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus while diving deep into these passages and having engaging conversations with one another. We are currently going through the book of Matthew and have been enjoying a discussion on the life of Jesus. Grab a snack in the gathering space then come find a spot on a cozy couch! Christian christian@harboronline.org
Lightkeepers is Harbor’s community ministry with folks 55+. Everyone is welcome.
Activities are held every Monday & Thursday and include Bible study, exercise, games, crafts, and line-dancing. See what’s on the calendar HERE!
Harbor UMC Preschool offers a loving, affirming, spiritually-led learning experience in a safe, developmentally appropriate environment. We accept children ages one through four by August 31st of the enrollment year. Registration OPENS for new families on 1/15 and is open until all spots are filled. Contact Lisa Southerland with any questions and to register lisa@harboronline.org
Wednesday Night Small Group:
Christian hosts a weekly small group at his house on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. We hangout, play a game, participate in bible study, and share a meal from time to time. If you’d like to join in, send Christian an email christian@harboronline.org
Harbor hosts AA, Alanon, and Alateen groups each week. AA groups meet Monday, Tuesday, & Saturday. Alanon & Alateen meet Thursday. Check the website calendar for times and room assignments.
The Connections Ministry at Harbor strives to stay in touch with every member and regular attender. Each Connections Captain cares for 12 families, making regular contact to share information about ministries & events, and learn about any needs or prayer requests the family may have. We hope you have heard from your Captain recently.
If you’d like to find out more about this ministry, or if you feel called to serve as a captain, please contact the church office (office@harboronline.org)
What is a Stephen Minister?
Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation, and more.
If you would like more information about receiving care from a Stephen Minister we would love to hear from you.
And if you have served as a Stephen Minister, or are interested in training to become a Stephen Minister, please contact Terri Brooks at terribw@gmail.com or 910-617-3246
Harbor supports this global ministry. Contact Linda Hart to see how you can be involved.